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Het gehoor, hoe werkt het?

The fascination of our hearing

Our hearing is not just a means of perceiving sounds, but a complex system that allows us to navigate, communicate and respond in a world full of sounds.

How does our hearing work?

The fascination of our hearing

Hearing is one of our most intriguing senses. The way the ear works is a natural wonder in itself. The process starts with the auricle, which captures sounds and sends them to the auditory canal. At the end of this auditory canal is the eardrum, which captures the sound vibrations. These vibrations are then passed on to the three smallest bones in the human body: the hammer, the anvil and the stirrup. Together, these components ensure that sounds are converted into signals that our brain can interpret, allowing us to perceive and understand sounds. This sophisticated system allows us to enjoy the many nuances in music, conversations and ambient sounds.

How hearing works


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A crucial role in sound perception

The three smallest bones in the human body – the hammer, the incus and the stirrup – together form an ingenious mechanism. It all starts with the eardrum, which captures the sound vibrations and acts as a kind of lever. This lever mechanism allows the bones to amplify the sound vibrations by as much as 50 dB. After this amplification, the sound reaches the cochlea.


The cochlea contains approximately 25,000 hair cells that play a crucial role in converting sound vibrations into electrophysiological signals. These signals are then sent via various nerve pathways and nodes to the auditory cortex, the specific part of the brain that allows us to perceive and interpret sounds. This complex system allows us to hear sounds with precision, ranging from the softest whispers to the richness of music and the nuances of conversation.

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How does hearing work?

How our brain places and understands sounds

The sound’s journey to our brain is only part of the story. What our brain can do with this information is truly astonishing. Our two ears allow us to hear and accurately localize the direction of sounds by noticing minute time differences between left and right. Even subtle differences, caused by “head shadow effects,” help us to determine where a sound is coming from with our eyes closed. This allows us to accurately place sounds in our environment and orient ourselves better. This ability demonstrates the impressive complexity and efficiency of our auditory system and brain.

Focus op het gehoor

Focus in a world full of sounds

Furthermore, we are able to filter out sounds. Think of how we can pick up our own name in a noisy environment and immediately focus on that particular conversation without having to turn our head. Right now, as I write this, I can hear the clock ticking, traffic in the distance, the creaking of my chair, and the tapping of my typing. What sounds are you picking up right now? Our hearing is not just a means of perceiving sound, but a complex system that allows us to navigate, communicate, and respond in a world of sounds. It is a beautiful interplay of nature and technology within our own bodies.

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