Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy that focuses on accepting your thoughts and feelings rather than avoiding or fighting them. The goal is to increase psychological flexibility by learning to live in the moment and focus on what is truly important to you. ACT helps you identify your values and act on what you truly care about, despite the presence of difficult emotions or thoughts. This therapy can be particularly helpful in dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, and other psychological challenges, including hearing loss and hearing problems. Discover how ACT can help you live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, even in the presence of hearing problems.
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Our human connection
Our unique capacity to talk, make plans and share experiences is what makes us human. Communication, especially through the spoken word, is at the heart of our existence. It allows us to exchange information, learn from each other and build strong connections. In times of need, grief, loss, uncertainty or illness, the spoken word often offers support, insight and strength. Listening, being heard and feeling included are fundamental elements that help us feel human. These human interactions are crucial to our well-being and strengthen the bonds that connect us in both joyful and difficult times.
The Impact of Hearing Complaints: Towards a Holistic Approach with ACT

However, for people who suffer from hearing disorders such as tinnitus, hyperacusis, hypersensitivity to external sounds, misophonia or Low Frequency Noise Annoyance (LFN), this communication can be hampered. The stress and frustration that arise from these conditions can make it difficult to listen and participate in conversations, leading to feelings of isolation and alienation. This emphasises the importance of a holistic approach that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of hearing disorders.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) offers a powerful combination with hearing care to improve quality of life. ACT focuses on increasing psychological flexibility by helping people accept their thoughts and feelings and commit to actions that reflect their values. This is particularly helpful for people with hearing problems, as it can help them cope with the emotional and psychological effects of their condition.
The Integration of ACT and Hearing
✔ Acceptance: ACT teaches people to accept their painful experiences instead of avoiding them. For people with hearing problems, this means acknowledging their discomfort and emotions without trying to suppress them. This can help reduce the emotional burden of hearing problems.
✔ Cognitive defusion: This technique helps people step back from their thoughts and see them for what they are – just words or mental images – rather than absolute truths. This can help reduce the negative impact of thoughts about hearing problems.
✔ Mindfulness: By being present in the moment, people with hearing problems can learn to focus their attention on the here and now, instead of on the fear of future sounds or the past. Mindfulness can also help reduce the stress and anxiety that often accompany hearing problems.
✔ Values: ACT helps people identify what is truly important to them and align their lives with these values. For people with hearing loss, this may mean making lifestyle changes so that they can still participate in activities they value despite their hearing loss.
✔ Committed Action: ACT encourages people to take actions that bring them closer to their values, despite the presence of difficulties. This can help them live a more fulfilled and meaningful life, despite their hearing problems.

Some predecessors

The role of hearing care
In addition to the psychological component of ACT, an integrated approach to hearing care is essential. This may include:
- Audiological Evaluations: Thorough hearing tests to determine the type and degree of hearing loss or sensitivity.
- Medical Evaluations: Examinations by ENT doctors to rule out or treat medical causes of hearing complaints.
- Education and Counseling: Providing information to patients about their condition and coping strategies to better manage their symptoms.
- Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques: Learn relaxation techniques to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with hearing problems.

The Impact of Hearing Problems on Daily Life
Hearing goes beyond the ears; it is crucial for communication, experiencing music and understanding our surroundings. However, hearing problems can have a major impact on daily life, with possible consequences such as social isolation and depression. These complaints can limit people in their social interactions and lead to feelings of loneliness. It is therefore important not to underestimate hearing problems, because their impact can reach much further than just the physical discomfort. Effective treatments are needed to improve the quality of life of people with hearing problems.

ACT: A Promising Treatment for Hearing Problems
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) offers a valuable approach for people with hearing problems. ACT helps them deal with their hearing problems differently, which can significantly reduce the negative impact. A recent systematic study by Wang et al. (2022) confirms this. Of the third generation behavioral therapies examined, ACT proved to be effective: 50-60% of participants reported significant improvements, such as less tinnitus and reduced anxiety and mood complaints. Although the long-term effects need to be further investigated, ACT seems promising as a treatment for hearing-related psychological complaints. Scientific insights, combined with practical experiences, underline the potential of ACT for hearing problems.

A More Valuable Life
The combination of ACT and hearing care provides a holistic approach that addresses both the emotional and physical aspects of hearing loss. By developing psychological flexibility and receiving effective hearing care, people with hearing loss can learn to live their lives in alignment with their values. This helps them live more fulfilling and meaningful lives, despite the challenges that hearing loss brings.