Art Of Hearing
Welcome to Art of Hearing, where listening is an art form. Hearing is more than just the functioning of our ears; it is at the core of our humanity. On this website, we invite you to discover the fascinating world of hearing. The ability to hear is essential for both communication and inner peace. At Art of Hearing, your journey to balance and harmony through hearing begins.

What will you discover?
Welcome to Art of Hearing
Welcome to the Art of Hearing, where hearing is an art.
Hearing is more than an ear function; it connects us to the world. Through this website we take you into the fascinating world of hearing. Art of Hearing is about stories, words and deep connections through real listening. Hearing is essential for contact with others and inner peace. We build a bridge between audiological centers, occupational physicians, audiologists, ENT doctors and specialized hearing centers. Our goal is to provide people with the right help faster with innovative hearing solutions and customized treatments. We strive for holistic care, where every party contributes to your well-being. Your journey to balance and harmony begins here. Welcome to the Art of Hearing.
Discover information about, among other things:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy that focuses on accepting your thoughts and feelings rather than avoiding or fighting them. The goal is to increase psychological flexibility by learning to live in the moment and focus on what is truly important to you. ACT helps you identify your values and act on what you truly care about, despite the presence of difficult emotions or thoughts. This therapy can be particularly helpful in dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, and other psychological challenges, including hearing loss and hearing problems. Discover how ACT can help you live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, even in the presence of hearing problems.
We provide fully transparent advice, for your best experience.
Our expertise and knowledge provide us with the best strategies.
Our reliability is high due to years of experience.
Our mission is not only to advise people to literally hear better, but also…

At Art of Hearing, we are all about putting people first. Our mission is not only to literally make people hear better, but also to make them feel heard and understood figuratively. We believe that listening on a deeper level is essential. Hearing is more than just perceiving sound. It is remarkable that sometimes a deeper sense of being heard can arise in communication with someone who has severe hearing loss than with someone who can hear perfectly. This proves that truly listening means much more than the physical ability to hear.
This awareness is at the core of where we can still make a big difference within audiology. At Art of Hearing, we want to strengthen this awareness process. Our collaboration is focused on connecting people who share the same values. The personal aspect is essential to us. We strive to not only provide the best audiological care, but also to create an environment in which everyone feels truly heard and understood. Together, we can increase this awareness and bring the core values of Art of Hearing to life. After all, hearing is more than just hearing.

Acoustically Absorbing Works of Art and Hearing
Good acoustics are essential for effective communication and storytelling. In spaces with a lot of echo, speech can be difficult to understand, leading to miscommunication and disruption, especially for people with hearing impairments. Optimizing the acoustic environment is therefore crucial. Acoustically absorbent artwork can significantly improve the acoustics, similar to theaters and cinemas where soft materials absorb sound. These artworks provide both acoustic comfort and visual tranquility, often incorporating natural elements such as water, fire and earth. They combine aesthetics with practical acoustic benefits, reducing reverberation and background noise, and promoting an inclusive and accessible environment.
Advice regarding absorbent art?

Hearing, in combination with work
Your hearing plays a crucial role in your work performance and well-being in the workplace. Good hearing is essential for effective communication, understanding instructions and ensuring your safety, especially in environments with high background noise or hazardous conditions. Poor hearing can lead to miscommunication, reduced productivity and even accidents.
At Art of Hearing we offer you comprehensive information and solutions to protect and optimize your hearing at work. We also provide advice on how to create a hearing-friendly workplace, with attention to acoustics and noise control.
Hearing, what exactly is it?
You may be wondering: what exactly is hearing? Hearing is the ability to perceive sound, a crucial sense that helps us communicate, enjoy music, and respond to our environment. This complex process allows you to distinguish different tones, volumes, and directions of sounds.
Good hearing is essential for your daily life and well-being. At Art of Hearing, we are happy to inform you about how hearing works, how you can protect it and what solutions there are for hearing problems. Explore our website for more detailed information and discover how you can take optimal care of your hearing.

Some predecessors

Ringing in the ears - Tinnitus
Tinnitus, also known as ringing in the ears, is a common hearing condition in which you hear sounds with no external source. These sounds can range from a soft buzzing to a loud ringing and can be continuous or intermittent. Tinnitus can significantly affect your concentration, sleep and overall quality of life. At Art of Hearing, we understand how annoying and frustrating tinnitus can be. While there is no definitive medical cure for tinnitus, there are ways to manage the symptoms and improve your quality of life. We provide information about possible causes, such as exposure to loud noises, hearing loss, stress and advice on treatment options.