Dyon Scheijen, nice to meet you
Dyon Scheijen, born in 1970 in Schin op Geul, is a versatile professional with a wide range of skills. As a clinical physicist-audiologist, artist and ACT therapist, he combines his scientific knowledge with his passion for art and psychological well-being. He creates unique, multifunctional artworks and treatments that combine science and creativity. His work reflects a deep understanding of both the technical and artistic aspects of audiology and therapy, resulting in innovative solutions and artistic expressions that are both therapeutic and visually appealing. Dyon's approach makes him a pioneer in bringing these diverse disciplines together, making a valuable contribution to each of his fields.

The Story Behind Art of Hearing
Art Of Hearing was founded because the Netherlands is a leader in the field of audiology. Audiological care is excellently organised thanks to the efforts of professionals such as hearing aid specialists, ENT specialists and specialised centres.
Patient associations play an essential role in this.
Audiology is more than just hearing; it is about communication, connection and quality of life.
Art Of Hearing aims to expand the network of professionals, so that people can find the right help faster. In addition, we want to increase awareness of hearing problems among a wider audience.

Combination of audiology and creativity
As an audiologist at Zorggroep Adelante in Hoensbroek, Dyon Scheijen works daily with patients, both children and adults, with hearing problems. He specializes in tinnitus, hyperacusis, misophonia, low-frequency noise pollution, acoustics and the relationship between hearing and work. His in-depth audiological knowledge inspired him to create paintings that absorb sound, an innovative solution for spaces with poor acoustics. These paintings are not only aesthetically appealing, but also improve the sound quality in modern interiors. Through his unique combination of expertise in audiology and art, Scheijen contributes to both the functional and visual improvement of various living and working environments.
We provide fully transparent advice, for your best experience.
Our expertise and knowledge provide us with the best strategies.
Our reliability is high due to years of experience.
Depth and functionality

Scheijen started painting about 25 years ago, driven by the desire to create a specific work of art for his own living room. What started as a personal quest grew into a serious artistic practice. As an autodidact, he developed himself through various workshops and an intensive Summer School in San Diego. His curiosity and interaction with other artists have further sharpened his skills.
His artworks are often large in size, sometimes ten square meters and are characterized by deep warm colors and abstract shapes. By using materials such as acrylic paint and gold leaf and by scanning and printing elements on special canvas, Scheijen literally and figuratively brings depth to his works. He constantly strives for a balance between aesthetics and functionality, taking into account the acoustic properties of the materials used. His works bring harmony, peace and strength to every space.

ACT therapist
In addition to his work as an audiologist and artist, Dyon Scheijen is also an ACT therapist (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). In this role, he helps people to deal flexibly with their thoughts and feelings, and to focus on what is truly important to them. Scheijen sees himself as a guide who accompanies his clients on their life path. He feels honored to witness their personal growth and transformation. It gives him satisfaction to support them in their search for harmony and peace in their lives. His diverse expertise enables him to offer a holistic approach that contributes to the well-being of his clients.

Innovative approach
Dyon Scheijen, with his innovative integration of art, science and therapy, has established both his own gallery and ACT practice. In his gallery, clients experience the effects of his sound-absorbing paintings. His ACT practice offers an acoustically warm space that promotes peace and relaxation, where clients are guided on their life path. Scheijen's work embodies his unique combination of scientific precision, artistic creativity and therapeutic care. This results in artworks and treatments that are both visually and functionally impressive, and that bring harmony to both the physical and emotional space of his clients.
Care and creativity
Dyon Scheijen has a deep love for people, who he sees as unique and special works of art, each with their own story. He always takes the time to listen to these stories, because he believes that this is the essence of good care. This respect and understanding of the human experience is at the core of both his scientific work and his art. Scheijen's approach is infused with empathy and attention, where he values and honors the human experience. In his role as an audiologist, artist and ACT therapist, he demonstrates the importance of taking the time for each person's personal story. His work, both in care and in art, reflects his dedication to understanding and supporting people in their search for well-being and harmony.